Lake eutrophication is plagued us for many years a major environmental problem. Lake eutrophication is formed? Governance to Go? Water Resources and Environment College, Hohai University, PhD supervisor Professor Cui Guangbo sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of custom China tour China "of Taihu Lake basin eutrophication control mechanism", the first to find out from the perspective of the whole basin eutrophication of Taihu Lake pollution "healthy" for the control of eutrophication in Taihu Lake, providing a solid theoretical foundation and technical support. Recently, the results with distinction "A" by the National Natural Science Foundation of acceptance.
"Mechanism of Eutrophication Control in Taihu Lake Basin" in 2003 by the National Natural Science Foundation established as a key scientific research. Teachers and students in-depth research group led by Professor Cui Guangbo Taihu Lake region of hills and plains dyke, non-dyke survey conducted four years of observation and experiment, for the first time the land area of Taihu Lake basin, river, large shallow lakes of organic coupling mechanism of migration and transformation of pollutants carried out the research, revealed the China custom tours non-point source pollution in Taihu Lake basin by surface runoff and soil into the river water migration into the law and the role of eutrophication of Taihu Lake. Meanwhile, the group of suspended solids, water quality, transparency, lake current, wave, etc. affect the growth of algae in Taihu Lake algae outbreak mechanism of the main factors and conducted in-depth study to establish the ecological model of lake eutrophication, a lake to determine the pollutant reduction program.For more information, please shift to China Travel Stories