
Fujian Scenic Areas Open Microblogs

According to reports, the reason why big moves Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau to promote microblogging marketing, partly because of microblogging as a new media type, by virtue of timeliness, interactivity, autonomy and other advantages, microblogging has become a cheap China tours propaganda platform for new businesses and dissemination of positions, setting off a spread of Internet information "revolution"; the other hand it is because the national Tourism Bureau, "" five-second "development Plan" clearly states that encourage tourism destinations and tourism enterprises through micro-Bo and other Internet application mode to carry out tourism promotional and marketing activities. Currently the major domestic and international tourism management, travel agents and travel channels have on-line to it, and seize this new network marketing positions, but also gave great inspiration Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau.

In the Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau recently issued a "microblogging regarding the development of Fujian tourism marketing efforts of the notice", requiring cheap tours to China all units to promote the province's quick tour microblogging marketing work, Districts and Cities Tourism Bureau to fully understand the new situation the use of microblogging and other new media work in the field of tourism marketing, the importance of good microblogging marketing publicity work, and actively guide the cadres and workers of the tourism industry and businesses open microblogging, microblogging increase the amount of information reproduced and exposure.For more information, please shift to China Travel Stories

