
China Trip: Mount in Bai Mountain

Bai Shan, Qinling Mountains peak, elevation 3700, about 2 times the Mountain High. Should be the highest mountain in the hinterland of the Central Plains it, (I pawing at the atlas on the view a little, seems to be the case) Bai Chang-June snow is one of the famous, but you do not think the lunar calendar is the Gregorian calendar in June July Shaanxi really have snow, in fact, is the only site making Taibai Peak mountain glaciers as dense white rock mountain from afar, such as snow generally nothing more. Climbing in the first year we had a group of students here in the mountains lost his way, eventually a few never come back. This is how much to increase our sense of mystery, I went to see how fans got way.
From the foot of the mountain birch to have been another curved red mountain, the road is full of beautiful views. The weather is hot, the sun can not go below station, but they immediately entered the cool shade of hair penetration to reach the red birch is at three or four species, there is no upward to the summit between the residence and the rest of the time the summit is not enough, and only stay, we relax and walk around in the vicinity of the red birch, there is a very simple hall, which is where we are going to spend the night, no bed, to spread the something, Minato live it. Front of the temple there is a farm yard, a boy to catch the baby squirrels playing, in fact, squirrels jump from time to time in our sight, our curiosity has been scared and ran away shouting, a lot of visitors have gathered here, following the calm a few tourists and mountain farmers and chess, not the farmer's opponents. There is usually a big girl and I, we talk of the happy, she also carry a Book of Changes, give me divination fate of tomorrow and in the future (after all she made the hit, so far I have been puzzled ). Early next morning, we continue on the road, and found no upward way to go, and to climb down the hill, along the way to find the mark left by their predecessors, but fortunately most of the period marked a very prominent the red line, if you thought it was left on the wrong tourists, pilgrims are! Temple said above, there are Buddha Peak (brag ghosts)! A lot of people up the mountain pilgrimage. We are pilgrims on the light by groping in the mountains to climb. Rarely see other people, only we four, but then we gradually appreciate the wonderful Taibaishan, red birch is the last one Taibaishan broad-leaved forest, over a hill onto a red birch We walked into the coniferous forest, then up, coniferous forests are gone, leaving only shrubs, green hills are covered with shrubs, a white clouds in wandering among the bushes not far, not when changing the appearance, Click on the map says there should be a mountain temple here, I only see a burning ash on the ground, if there is a shrine on the slopes than in the general farm courtyard in the still primitive! However, it is said, ha ha! Dwarf shrubs growing up again, less and less into the grass, flowers are more up, a big one, fascinated.

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Tours China: Huangshan Village Tour

August 15, Grand Canyon scenic area of Huangshan City, Huizhou project water rafting held emergency drills to test water safety emergency response mechanism.

For August 13, Yi County rafting attractions security incidents, Huangshan scenic rafting to suspend all business situations. Huizhou Grand Canyon area of "people-oriented, safety first, prevention first" principle, the special safety inspection carried out immediately, and the organization of emergency drill water rafting project. Through exercises designed to improve their emergency rescue response capability, in case of unexpected events quickly, orderly, and efficient implementation of emergency water rescue emergencies, prevention and reduction of the maximum river rafting on the way the tourists injured in accidents.

According to reports, the exercise by the exercise to clear the congestion kayaking, canoe rollover relief personnel training, communications, rescue and medical assistance vehicle scheduling training exercises and other items. Drill before the drill was held to mobilize the area, indicating the significance of water emergency drill, the drill project deployment.

According to the deputy general manager Wang Fang scenic introduced emergency drill water rafting project aims to improve area water search and rescue organization, command and emergency response capabilities, and public education employees to prevent and respond to emergencies emergency rescue and self-help capabilities.

Xiuning Tourism Committee, Yuanfang the township government to observe the emergency drill. Yuanfang township government, township police station and source source Fang Fang rural hospitals to participate in emergency drills....For more information, please shift to China Travel Stories


Travel to China: Xiamen Rural Family Tour

Carefully selected by experts and publicity committee, recently, the National Housing and Urban Affairs, the National Tourism Administration officially announced the second batch of 111 national characteristics of the landscape tourism town (village) list, the province Hua'an Xiandu Town, Changtai County horse Yangxi heavy mountain village eco-tourism area, Shanghang County Furuta town, even the County Vision and rural training Tamura, Zhangping Chishui Hong Liu Village 5 units list. Thus, the national characteristics of the landscape of our province tourist town (village) to seven.

The afternoon of August 8, the 15th China International Investment and Trade Fair press conference held in Fuzhou. Chen Yang, deputy director of Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau standard at a meeting on preparations for the Seventh Cross-Strait Travel Fair progress in communications, and an interview with reporters. Conference through the draft reads as follows:
This year 6 to 11 September by the China National Tourism Administration and Fujian Provincial People's Government jointly organized Cross-Strait Tourism Exchange Association, Fujian Provincial Tourism Bureau, Xiamen Municipal Government, Taiwan, Hong Kong travel agency co-seventh-Strait Travel Fair will be held in Xiamen.For more information, please shift to China Travel Stories


Custom China Tour: My Yichun Tour Planning

As host of the contest, Li Jiaming spent a whole month in Yichun, Yichun he was very impressed. "In the past only know that 'things treasures, outstanding' is described as Jiangxi, now know more exactly, is described Yichun." Li Jiaming that the landscape is the God given Yichun Yichun biggest asset. Moon Mountain, hot springs, fresh air, so that he is a people feel very comfortable Yichun city. He is the most memorable mountain rain Dengming month, the day the wind and rain, he felt sorry moon mountain cable car ride, spent four hours has been registered to the summit. That waterfall is spectacular, the mist-shrouded mountains, beautiful scenery. "That was my most special of an experience, a lifetime." Li Jiaming said.

Hunan TV's popular host - Wang Han told reporters that it had heard Yichun is Zen cultural sites, and, whether it is a symbol of love moon mountain, or Se nationally known health spa, made him very desirable. Yichun this to make him feel very productive, but also for their future leisure to find a good place.
Although the Model Contest came to a close, but Yichun that seared in people's hearts. We firmly believe that whenever the full moon rise when the world will think there is a city in Jiangxi Province, Yichun her name is!For more information, please shift to China Travel Stories


Customize China Tour: Xiamen Wanshi Botanical Garden

Wearing a Little Red Riding Hood who came and asked visitors to see, or need to explain? Do not panic, this is not a field guide, but Wanshi Botanical Garden in the volunteers. From now on, every holiday, if you need to visit to explain Wanshi Botanical Garden, you can find them.

It is understood that from June, Wanshi Botanical Garden on the recruitment of volunteers for the public, there were 128 people register. Through written tests, interviews, a total of 30 volunteers finalists. They also have University students.Prior to the formal induction, Botanical Garden is also a professional training for them so that they understand the basics of other plants. They are currently in the science museum garden, tropical rain forest, desert botanical garden, the Grand Ball Room for the visitors to explain. Daily from 9:00-9:30,10:00-11:00,15:00-15:30,16:30-17:30.

6 is a volunteer who posts the first day in the tropical rain forest, the reporter saw a volunteer. She called Fang Zheng, a betel nut school politics teacher. Although she is in Xiamen, but have not been to before the tropical rain forest, this time a lot of training to increase her knowledge.She told reporters, after admission, she was very nervous, worried that their knowledge is not enough, can not provide quality services to visitors. Although trained, but to memorize a variety of plant habits, still need to go to the field. Therefore, pre, she and other volunteers had a "check out the location." "Botanical Garden asked us to remember more than 1000 kinds of plants, I now only remember the 200 kinds of efforts are being made." She said.For more information, please shift to China Travel Stories


Tours China: Jinan

Since August 8, the floating population can also apply for temporary residence permit holders Jinan City, Jinan City, Park travel on tickets, and to the municipal park of the morning and evening exercises.

It is understood that the year 2011 in Jinan City, Park tour tickets Scope of Daming Lake Scenic Area, Baotu Spring Park, Thousand Buddha Mountain Scenic Zone, zoo, botanical gardens, the International Garden Expo, five Longtan Park 7 Park.

According to reports, Jinan Free Morning and evening training sessions for the admission: March 1 to October 31, morning exercise time is 5:00 - 6:30 admission, admission time and evening exercises 19:30 - 21: 00; November 1 to February 28, morning exercise time is 5:00 - 6:30 admission, admission time and evening exercises 19:00 - 20:30.

Currently, the following parks are available (scenic) Free Morning and evening training: Jinan Daming Lake Scenic Area, Jinan City Wall Park, Thousand Buddha Mountain Scenic Area Jinan, Jinan flowers Park, Jinan Springs Park, Zhongshan Park, Jinan City, Jinan City heroes Mountain, Jinan City, forest Park 8 Park (scenic).For more information, please shift to China Travel Stories


Xian Travel: Huangshan Joins PATA

Recently, the Huangshan Scenic Area Management Committee (HSAC) formally joined the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA), became China's first tourist attractions to join the organization in the world double inheritance.

PATA is the only gathering of Asia-Pacific official and private travel agencies tourism professional associations, members ranging from carriers, hotels, traveling salesman to the official travel agency chain in all aspects of the tourism industry, PATA has become effective government institutions and enterprises communication and successful cooperation.

And the "world's three major international tourism organizations," one of the PATA cooperation is Huangshan "first as an international high-quality tourist attractions," "the lead in building a world class tourism destination," the important work of Huangshan Scenic Area will draw on the broad platform for the tourism industry in the Asia Pacific region show the depth of the image, enhance communication with other members, to gather the most cutting-edge industry research, and from nearly 80 countries to seize opportunities for development were allies, and the Asia-Pacific region travel and tourism within the region "sustainable growth" and "value and quality improvement."

Since August 1st, PATA official website has opened up publicity for the area of Huangshan, Huangshan Scenic Area in time can be uploaded through the platform the latest news and information, published in Asia Pacific tourism festivals, the project investment and talent recruitment and other information.For more information, please shift to China Travel Stories